We are hearing about layoffs from every industry and may get worse in the coming year. Lay offs are happening in one side and on the other side new job openings are exponentially reduced in the last two quarters. Latest hiring numbers show this trend is going to stay for some time. A recent study shows that 85 of jobs are filled through networking or referral and 70% of openings are not even published. LinkedIn is still the preferred professional networking platform for many and with current restrictions its difficult to identify hiring managers and connect with them.

Many senior executives and mid level managers are willing to assist professions who are struggling with job loss or mentoring support. We built this platform to promote communications between professionals who are willing to guide and give back to the community and job seekers.

We take your privacy very seriously and request minimal information from our users for account verification. We have a simple but robust messaging platform for any communication and prefer communications to be kept within our platform.

In summary, like many others some of us were laid off during the financial melt down in the last decade. Most of us went through different and difficult challenges before getting the next assignment. Many studies shows that majority of the jobs are not advertised or filled through referrals, it′s of utmost importance to support those who are looking for next assignment. Our goal is to support unemployed/underemployed professionals to secure their next assignment, and those who are trying to land their first job. We will not be able accomplish much without your support. We are seeking your assistance, you be an executive who makes decisions on hiring or be someone who could guide job seekers to right areas.

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