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Edit | Details | Delete How to keep health insurance after a job layoff or furlough If you’ve been laid off or furloughed from your job, you have a lot on your mind right now. And during the COVID-19 outbreak, health care is surely near the top of the list. Now more than ever, comprehensive health insurance can help protect your health and your financial well-being and make you feel safer. False 1
Edit | Details | Delete Here’s how to find health-care coverage if you’ve lost your job A staggering 36.5 million Americans have lost their jobs since the coronavirus pandemic prompted many cities and states around the country to order Americans to shelter in place in an attempt to mitigate the public health effects of the virus. False 1
Edit | Details | Delete Don't Overpay For Health Insurance. Total Health Insurance is a leading provider of low cost health insurance quotes. More than 15 million people from all walks of life — small business owners and the self-employed, retirees, students, and people whose jobs don’t provide health insurance — have used this site to learn about health insurance, compare plans, get free health plan quotes, and lower their healthcare costs. False 1